

I borrowed the above title of this blog from a sentence in Bruce Wilkinson’s book entitled Beyond Jabez.   You remember Mr. Wilkinson.  He is the famous author of the parent book, The Prayer of Jabez.  The message in both books clears up the misconceptions of whether or not it is all right for a person to pray and ask God to specifically bless them by enlarging their territory.  I invite you to explore Mr. Wilkinson’s bible-based responses in both books and be ready for a rude awakening that will truly knock your socks off!!

As we dissect the words that God is the Ruler over the universe, what does that really mean?  First, we are not just talking about God being a Ruler over heads of state or governments.  God’s authority, rulership and supremacy is also over every day life situations such as finances, relationships, health and wellness, educational pursuits, spiritual growth, and situations that weigh heavily on your moral responsibilities to God and your fellow man.

All of these decisions gives us challenges and invokes fears that depend on the measure of faith one has in the Living God and the examples set forth in the life of his Son, Christ Jesus.

A real life rude awakening in Kingdom authority:

I can remember a time in my life, while on a mission trip in Costa Rica.  I was riding in a jitney cab with other missionaries, when we saw several young children running along the street waving at passing buses and cabs.  They were trying to draw attention to us foreign visitor passengers coming into their village.  They wanted to show us some love.

Suddenly, a large suitcase tumbled off the top of one of the buses in front of us and fell to the street.  Two older children ran hurriedly into the street, scooped up the suitcase and fled down a narrow alleyway and out of sight.  Those in my cab gasped but said nothing, and our local cab driver did not stop.  Everyone acted as though nothing had happened.  (Hold on to this thought…there is more.)

Later that day, after settling into our rooms, I decided to wash and dry a load of clothes,  along with my newly soiled tennis shoes, in the laundry mat located in the hotel lobby.  After supper, I went to the laundry room to retrieve my clothing.  To my surprise, when I opened the dryer, there was nothing inside but a handful of tiny rubber balls.  No newly dried clothes, no newly washed white tennis shoes.  Just a handful of tiny rubber balls.  Basically, just crumbs of melted rubber.

My knees became weak, I placed my hand over my mouth to keep from crying out, I looked around the room at the attendant and other customers.  I didn’t know what to do or who to accuse of my loss, when all of a sudden, I heard a still small voice say; My child, sit down…relax…listen to me.  I obeyed and sat down.  I buried my face in my hands and I said softly; Speak, Lord, thy servant is listening.

My beloved, Greater is He that is within you then he that is in the world.  And as you know, I oppose the proud but give grace to the humble.  Your assumption that someone robbed you of your possessions and your earlier ill thoughts of young children as thieves are misplaced.  Honestly, your actions and those of your mission team were the cause of it all.

Oh, my Lord, speak on.  How have I offended You?

Why have you come to this desolate place where there is so much poverty and physical need, with all of these fancy new clothes and a prideful attitude of your status with Me, when you know that I require obedience rather than sacrifice?  At dinner time, when you were asked by your host church what church did you belonged to in the states, instead of just naming your church, you pridefully reach into your purse and displayed a picture of a brand new multimillion dollar building, which caused your host to sadly exclaim, ‘My God, what a waste!’

You still do not understand why he said that.  So let me explain.  Your host was thinking just how many mouths all that money could have fed and/or provided medical supplies and housing with indoor plumbing for his people.  Also those children were desperate to sell  on the black market those clothes in the suitcase, to help support their families.  And by the way, you put too much money in the dryer and I alone burned up your brand new tennis shoes and gave your clothes away to someone in need. 

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; but the glory of kings (queens) is to search out a matter.”  Proverbs 25:2

Oh, my God, say no more.   This conversation is too revealing for me.  I now see the error of my ways and understand Proverbs 25:2 more clearly.  For you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him.

I understand now that You, my Lord, have crowned all missionaries as your chosen students being taught to become kings and queens in your vineyard.  We are being trained to be loving and compassionate to all Your subjects without prejudice.  Therefore, I sorely repent of my insensitive actions and for my teams haughtiness.  I humbly pray for Your forgiveness and thank You for ordering my steps in the way your servants should act when on the battle field.  For not only are you the Ruler over established monarchs, but also over the common and lowly hearts of your people.


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