God Does Not Deserve “Mickey Mouse” Prayers – Part 1

IS THIS YOU? Always saying things that do not deserve to be answered!

Do you need to work on your communications with God?

When you enter into your ‘Throne Room’ or ‘Prayer Closet’, do you barge in like gang busters and begin addressing the Almighty God without even acknowledging Him with an honorable-descriptive title as to Who He is and how He alone reigns over all the universe? Do you stay in a prostrated position long enough for our Savior to even answer you? Are you coming to Him with doubt, in frustration, little respect, or with an insincere attitude and no confession of your recent transgressions? But most of all…do you ever pray for a broader audience other than your own family and loved ones?


Mainly because it is none of my business. I am just trying to get your attention and to inform you that God does have a reputation that there are times when He does not desire to listen to nor answer the prayers of His children, namely you and me. So, if anyone is guilty of breaking faith with Jesus Christ, especially within an atmosphere of new or weak believers, then expect to be judged by the workings of the Holy Spirit. And His workings just could be total silence!

There are two recorded biblical examples when God said “STOP! Do Not Pray because I Am not listening.”…

Hopefully, you are familiar with the list of “Biblical Heroes who walked by faith and not by sight” mentioned in Hebrews 11:1-16. Moses’ name is not among them…yet he was used mightily by God to lead the sons and daughters of Israel out of bondage in Egypt and though the wilderness. Moses’ indiscretion is example number one. However, when Moses prayed to God to relent and allow him to cross over the River Jordan and enter into the Promise Land, God’s response to Moses was; “Enough! Speak to Me no more of this matter” (Deut. 3:25-27). God explained to Moses that he had broken faith with God in the wilderness because he had not treated God as holy and had been disobedient as a leader in the midst of the children of Israel, when Moses struck the rock to obtain water instead of approaching ‘The Rock‘ and treating it as God had commanded. Obviously, no amount of prayers would change God’s mind and He told Moses to stop praying about it.

The second example is found in Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14 and 14:11. God informed Jeremiah who was a Priest and a Prophet at least three times to stop lifting up prayers of intercession for His wayward children of Israel. God’s chosen people had repeatedly disobeyed Him and His commands. God declared to Jeremiah, “I do not hear you”.

Needless to say, God does not deserve nor does he desire to listen to ‘Mickey Mouse’ prayers! Those hollow words that do not edify our Lord and Savior…

Below is a list of world headline events that deserve our sincere intercessory prayers. Look the list over. Come to an agreement that God is aware of all the disasters, namely: campus shootings, wars and rumors of wars, government leader misdeeds domestic and foreign, environmental disasters worldwide that are occurring throughout the world. And of course, it is God’s design that the universe should be a safe place of refuge. Yet the Holy Spirit is whispering into my heart that God also wants us to be alert watchmen and watchful women who know how to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and cities and nations every where. There is no need for us to be afraid for God is our refuge.

Mickey Mouse Prayers will not get you to the next level in God…so pray earnestly and sincerely.

Suggested list of current events in today’s news to pray for:

  • OhioTrain Derailment in East Palestine
  • China says U.S. balloons have flown over their continent before, too
  • Russia and Ukraine have been at war for over one year with no end in sight
  • Michigan State University’s mass shooting…3 students needlessly killed and several wounded
  • A Black Hawk airliner jet crashed in Alabama, killing everyone on board
  • The 2019 Covid-19 Virus is still causing havoc around the world
  • The whole world is going to Hell in a hand basket

Scripture Lesson: God is our refuse and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. And so we need not fear even if the world blows up, and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam; let the mountains tremble!

There is a river of joy flowing through the city of our God–the sacred home of the God above all gods, God himself is living in that City; therefore it stands unmoved despite the turmoil everywhere. He will not delay his help. The nations rant and rave in anger–but when God speaks the erth melts in submission and kingdoms totted into ruin.” Psalms 46:1-6

Click http://www.tgifmasterminds.com every Friday for a new post from the Master’s servant manager…ME!

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