God Is Good…All The Time!

Snoopy Givin Out Friday Hugs GIF - Snoopy GivinOutFridayHugs HaveAGreatWeekend GIFs
Bless me Oh Lord, for I have barked up the wrong tree. Woof!

Yes, even Snoopy receives blessings from the Lord sometimes. This week, I thought I would blog about a little humor in print. Why? Because that is how the Lord has dealt with me all week. God is not only GOOD…he has a sense of humor, too.

For the past few days, I have found myself day dreaming or just plain wondering about the most mundane things in my life. In between washing dishes, dusting, making up my bed and sweeping, I would pause…lean on the broom handle I was holding and ask God a simple question; Lord, where did I put that book of stamps I bought on Monday from the Post Office? He didn’t answer me right then.

Much later, after I had finished tidying up my apartment, I decided to wash a load of clothes. I went into the laundry room, moved the laundry basket closer to the washer and started to sort the clothes into the machine. All of a sudden, a silent voice in my head whispered, the stamps are in there. What? Who said that? The stamps are in where? What stamps?

Suddenly it hit me…I was holding a pair of slacks…just about ready to toss them in the washer…when I found myself digging down into each pocket. Sure enough…there in one of the pockets, was the newly purchased book of stamps! I looked up and shouted…found them. Thank you, Lord!

Yesterday, I was thinking to myself, Lord, it is time for me to start thinking about what I will write about in my blog for this week. My posts are getting good reviews each day, but I was wondering why my readers do not add their comments. Again…suddenly…I heard a still small voice that whispered the name of a good friend of mine. About an hour or two later, I said to myself…Let me call Dorothy and see how she is doing. Honestly, I did not connect my actions at that time to the earlier thought I had experienced.

As my friend and I engaged in small conversation, the subject of my blog came up and Dorothy asked me how she could add a comment to my blog if she so desired. She also did not know she could ‘follow’ me and automatically receive an email notice each time I posted a blog. WOW! I was shocked. Just then, it dawned on me that perhaps some of my other friends were not computer savvy either, and perhaps needed to be informed on how to leave comments or to automatically receive my blogs each week.


The moral of this story is…Take your burdens…both big and small…to the Lord and leave them there!

Scripture Lesson: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Click http://www.tgifmasterminds.wordpress.com every Friday for a new post from The Master’s servant manager…Me!

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